Friday, April 14, 2006

Sign the Petition against the reservation!

Hallo friends!

BY now u must have be clear bout the issue concerned of reservations for OBC in institutes like IIM and IIT.

Well do u really want this to happen?? No na!!

Then please sign Petition against proposed reservation in premier educational institutes.

Hit the site and get it done!


  1. well...
    i have some different views regarding this...
    i belong t open category...but i really think that there is no point in protesting...
    the decision is not going to be reverted...
    this thing had to be stopped at very begining..the madal ayog days...
    but no one cared until the fire came to their houses...
    now bulk is getting affected and the protests hav started...
    but in the multi threaded society that india has...this is goin to happen for years to come..unless and until a drastic change in the political viewpoint is observed...
    if there is a reservation for muslims then why not for OBCS...
    if we see there is no point in reservations for muslims...
    but hey...this is unstoppable...
    beter u stepup and deliver the goods..

  2. yaa signed da petetion... but i really wonder, would that help???

  3. lets see whether it works...

  4. Best regards from NY! » » »

  5. best regards, nice info » »
